
5 Ways To Prevent Injuries In Youth Athletes
Youth Athletes Youth Athletes

5 Ways To Prevent Injuries In Youth Athletes

To reduce injuries in youth sports, strength train regularly with a good program and coach, play multiple sports (or be deliberate about time off), sleep 8+ hours per night, eat a balanced diet with plenty of calories and hydrate well.

Doing these things will set a young athlete up for success and make it less likely they will get injured. As with most things, doing the basics well is your best bet. 

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3 Reasons Golfers Have Low Back Pain
Golf Golf

3 Reasons Golfers Have Low Back Pain

Golf is a demanding rotary sport and spine health is an important part of playing well. The good news is that there is a lot you can do to decrease back pain and improve your game. Keep reading for 3 reasons golfers have low back pain AND what to do about it.

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Unlock Your Hamstrings
Runners Runners

Unlock Your Hamstrings

Hamstring stretching is important, but there is more to the picture if you want to truly unlock your hamstrings. Keep reading to learn about a new way to approach hamstring flexibility and health.

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