How To Get The Most From Your Mobility Work
“Mobility” is pretty ambiguous term that gets thrown around a lot. There is no shortage of advice on foam rolling, using different kinds of massage balls, massage guns and more. Mobility work can definitely be an important part of your routine. Keep reading to learn how to get the most from your mobility work.
Is foam rolling and other mobility work magic? Nope.
Is it completely worthless? Nope.
But if you are spending more than a few minutes of your valuable time doing this stuff, there is a better way to operate.
What Does “Mobility” Actually Mean?
We define it like this:“The amount of motion at a joint that a person can access and control."
The access and control parts of this are important. True mobility is the amount of motion you can actually use.
“Flexibility” is different. This is the amount of total motion a joint and surrounding structures can move through passively.
We want mobility and flexibility to be adequate for the task at hand and to be as close to equal as possible. If your passive flexibility is good and you can control most or all of that range of motion, you are in good shape.
So What is “Mobility Work”
Basically, it is an exercise, drill or technique that is meant to increase your range of motion. This takes many forms, such as foam rolling, “smashing” with various implements, massage guns, stretching and using mobility bands.
Plenty of people feel better and move better after doing mobility work. Many times, we hear the argument that people don’t really care how it works if it makes them feel better. We think this is the wrong way to think about things. Understanding underlying mechanisms for modalities, treatments, etc. is important to allow for an informed decision.
Learn concepts and think for yourself and it will serve you well.
Why Does Foam Rolling “Work”
The typical benefits of foam rolling and mobility are usually presented as:
Breaking up scar tissue/realigning muscle fibers
Improving tissue length
“Warming up” or increasing tissue temperature.
The term “myofascial release” is also used often, implying that mobility work releases knots, etc.
The research does not support these claims.
A study from 2008 showed that it would take over 1800 POUNDS of force to deform fascia 1% (2).
Your body and fascia is very strong and is buit to withstand and transfer HUGE amounts of force. We cannot break down or realign fascia with foam rollers, balls, bands, etc. No matter what manual technique you or your therapist uses, fascia doesn’t break down.
We might be improving the glide of the different layers of fascia, but the research is still conflicting on this.
What Does Foam Rolling Actually Do?
Research (3) supports that foam rolling and mobility work can:
Increase range of motion for a short time (5-10 minutes)
Decrease delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)
Increase ability to withstand pressure and pain (even in muscles not foam rolled)
That sounds pretty good. However, these benefits are very short lived and if we do not perform our mobility work properly, people tend to become dependent on these more passive techniques.
If foam rolling isn’t breaking up tissue, etc. what is it actually doing?
We think it is working through what some call a "generalized neurophysiological effect.” This basically means that the feedback of the foam roller, ball or band is providing the nervous system with more information, so we get a short term change in output from the brain. This leads to feelings of decreased stiffness, tightness and short term increases in range of motion.
A cool study (1) from 2015 lends some support to this idea. This study showed an increase in pain pressure threshold in muscles that were foam rolled AND muscles that were not rolled. The change in perception away from the area that was rolled supports the idea that we are getting a general effect.
So, we can’t “release” fascia, but it can help us feel and move better for a short time.
If people keep pushing the narrative that foam rolling “releases” tissues, Samuel L. will find you.
It might not sound like a big deal, but the words we use matter. The idea that we can release fascia feeds into the idea that the human body is fragile, which is simply not true.
Should You Do Mobility Work?
We think mobility work can be part of a good program, but there are ways to make it much less time consuming and more effective.
We like to have clients use a 3 step process when doing their mobility work.
1. Passive mobility work with roller, balls, etc.-30-60 seconds, then move on
2. Active motion to use any “new" range of motion-just a few reps
3. Loaded functional movements to integrate any new motion-specific movements to reinforce new range OR move on to your specific training for the day (squats, deadlifts, etc.)
What does this look like in a training program?
Below, we’ll cover 3 different sequences I have used with clients to improve mobility in 3 key areas.
Ankle dorsiflexion mobility drills
This motion is so important for proper walking and running gait, stair climbing, squatting, etc.
So, if we follow our above process, ankle dorsiflexion mobility work could look like this:
1. Kneeling ankle dorsiflexion (PASSIVE)
2. Kneeling end range isometrics (ACTIVE)
Mobilize the ankle into dorsiflexion (knees over toes), then hold.
3. Squat and/or step up (LOADED MOVEMENT)
Air squats are a great way to work on and maintain ankle mobility.
This step up variation focuses on using all of the available knees over toes motion.
Let’s apply this framework to two other common areas of restriction.
Hip Extension mobility drills
1. Couch stretch (PASSIVE)
The couch stretch is one of our favorite ways to work on hip extension mobility.
2. Single leg bridge (ACTIVE)
After stretching out your hip flexors, strengthening your glutes can help lock in new hip extension mobility.
3. Split squat (LOADED MOVEMENT)
Split squats are a great exercise that combines lower body strength with hip extension mobility work.
Overhead Shoulder mobility drills
1. Foam roll lats (PASSIVE)
Foam rolling the lats can be a great way to decrease stiffness and work on better shoulder mobility.
2. Child’s pose stretch (can add lift off at the end) (ACTIVE)
Overhead stretching is great, but adding an active lift off can really help improvements in range of motion stick.
3. Half kneeling KB Overhead press (LOADED MOVEMENT)
Overhead pressing from a kneeling position is a great way to make sure you don’t “cheat” with your low back.
Be Efficient With Mobility Work
As you can see, passive mobility work will only take you so far. It is important to incorporate active and loaded mobility work to make good and lasting change.
When in doubt, move through your available motion on a consistent basis and perform a good, well-rounded resistance training routine. That will serve you well.
Reach out with any questions, we are here to help. Check out our service offerings by heading to our website HERE
1.Aboodarda SJ, Spence AJ, Button DC. Pain pressure threshold of a muscle tender spot increases following local and non-local rolling massage. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2015;16:265.
2. Chaudhry H., Schleip R., Ji Z., Three-dimensional mathematical model for deformation of human fasciae in manual therapy.Journal of the American Osteopathic Association. 2008;108(8):379–390